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The Track Club Community Releases Three Collaborative Albums

The international collective formed on Endlesss has released their debut triptych: Interconnected 01, Intensity 01, and Imaginary 01

Track Club is a collective of music-lovers who met on Endlesss and formed a supportive community of musical creativity and emotional exchange. Every week, members of Track Club jam together on Endlesss, and then turn those jams into playlists of completed tracks, embracing the possibilities of asynchronous music-making.

What emerged from this basic idea of making one track a week – “a kind of challenge that focused on process instead of perfectionism” – took on a life of its own, with the collective curating our first Unfolding cycle and eventually coming to release more than 36 playlists of 349 tracks on Soundcloud over the last 8 months. Track Club created more than 111,111 Rifffs on Endlesss between September 16th, 2020 and July 25th, 2021, with this page's header image a visual representation of the tempo and key across the entire set.

Now, Track Club have revealed their most ambitious project yet: A triptych of releases titled Interconnected 01, Intensity 01 and Imaginary 01, released on August 6th, 2021 and available as pay-what-you-want on the TC Bandcamp and on all other streaming platforms.

Interconnected, Intensity and Imaginary are a collaboration between 26 producers and 35 contributors in total who have never met in-person. Each album reflects and explores a

different aspect of their experience as a group, and Track Club considers the triptych to be a kind of

collaborative manifesto. Listen to all three below.

"Our lives became connected through music; though most of us have never met, we share moments of elation in rooms that never existed. We are unavoidably entangled, and we keep returning. This album brings out the joy we feel in making music together."

"There is a frenetic energy to our process of making music together. We snatch fragments of time and fill them with sound and energy. We imagine the dancefloors we have not seen in months or years; we populate them with rapidly moving shadows. This album is a glimpse into that intensity."

"When we make music together across vast distances, our minds can go to places which we cannot; places nobody can go to, places which emerge and evaporate like melodies. This album is a journey through some of those imaginary worlds."


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